Wednesday, September 22, 2010

#12 due September 23rd

Difficult- I may have spoke too soon on the last blog. I don't get today's section. The start of the section should not say it is quite clear how a structure- relating map of a ring R into a ring R' should be defined because I don't see how it is clear! Okay first that the phi symbol is a map. I remember maps from previous classes, but I don't get what def.18.9 is saying. I am also confused about the abelian groups and how to interpret what <R, +> or <R',+> mean. I remember the terms kernel and isomorphism from previous classes also but I don't follow how rings are relating to these. I also think the examples are confusing. I really hope I get this in class.

Reflective- I don't like this because I don't get it! This section is practically all symbols which is not enjoyable. However looking at example 18.13 helps me to better understand homomorphisms because the example is in numbers and that example makes sense to me.

1. To study for the exam I went through each lecture we covered. I read the lecture, my notes on that lecture, and looked at the homework problems, especially the ones I missed. I then made note cards about the items on the exam checklist that were covered in that section, and about other things I thought I should memorize. I did this for each section then I started memorizing my note cards. This really helped me to know exactly what things were.
3. Maybe more examples. Some things don't make sense to me until I see different examples of them then things fall into place more.

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